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The Ayurvedic Way To Skin Care – Ayurveda Therapies

The Ayurvedic Way To Skin Care
The first step to take good care of your skin is to find out your ayurvedic skin type. Broadly, according to ayurvedic practices, there are three skin types: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. You can get a better understanding of each of these skin types below:


1. Vata – Ayurvedic Skin Type
The Vata skin type may be described by skin that is generally dry, thin, delicate and cool to the touch. It is extremely vulnerable to weather conditions, especially dry windy weather and is easily dehydrated. Vata skin may age faster and tends to be dry, rough and flaky when out of balance.

Skin Care ::
Use products with essential oils that nurture the skin and rehydrate it to prevent wrinkles and premature aging.


2. Pitta  – Ayurvedic Skin Type
People with Pitta skin have fair, sensitive, soft, warm skin of medium thickness. It is also more susceptible to freckles and moles. When out of balance, Pitta skin can erupt in rashes, acne, or sunspots.

Skin Care ::
Your skin needs both cooling and nurturing. Use skin care products that protect you from the harmful sun rays.


3. Kapha  – Ayurvedic Skin Type
With all the qualities of water and earth, kapha skin is oily, thick, pale, soft, cool and more tolerant of the sun. It tends to age slower and form less wrinkles than the other two types. Those with this skin type may be faced with problems of dull complexion, enlarged pores, excessive oil, blackheads, and pimples, moist types of eczema and water retention.

Skin Care ::
Cleanse your skin from within by scrubbing and exfoliating regularly to remove toxins.



:: Disclaimer ::
The sole purpose of these posts is to provide information about the tradition of health care & ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, treatment, cure or prevention of any disease. If you have any serious acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. Check with your doctor before taking herbs or using essential oils when pregnant or nursing.

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