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Ayurveda and Wrinkles – Ayurveda Therapies

Wrinkles are the first sign of ageing. We can’t remove it completely because it’s a natural phenomenon but we can reduce it through Ayurveda remedies and proper diet. As per Ayurveda, wrinkles are caused due to excessive vata and hence it can balance through some home remedies, meditation and by using natural herbs too.


Sugar cane juice and turmeric

• Apply a thin layer of paste made with sugar cane and turmeric over your face and neck region.
• Leave it for 20 minutes to get dry.
• After that wash your face with warm water.

Indian Goose berry

• Extract the juice of Indian goose berry (without adding water).
• Apply it on face and rub it in a circular motion.
• Leave it to dry for 15 minutes.
• After that wipe it with a cold cotton swab.

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